Some Thing's Human's Do Not Need, Want or is Better Off Not knowing. Let's take a closer look at Bias, Prejudice and Racism and it's Origin.

No Human is Born a Racist, Prejudice or Color.

 Ignorance is a lack of knowing, and prejudice is to pass a judgement on a person that you do not even know, and Racism is Stupidity at it's finest claiming that the amount of pigment melanin in a persons skin determines ones social exception, value or worth. We are all unique in that We are all Different, and that makes Human Beings Individuality, Character and Personality are the true Soul of One. Human Behavior's are as easily identified as that of mice, monkey's and fish, We are Highly Predictable Species, Communal, Tribal and Social and truly enjoy fellowship. So this forces Us to look beyond the present for the true origin of Bias, and Skin Color being a sign of prestige, royalty or a slave. 


Our children do not even acknowledge a difference in skin complexion, color does Not define their peers. Friendship's are built from how each person treats another regardless of their Tan. Racism, Bigotry and Prejudice are excuses to Fear, Avoid or Ignore others and is not just amongst Human Skin Colors, but Different Sexes, Handicapped, Weight, Intelligence if that even sounds right. Anything that We find to be Different is perceived a threat, instead of being curious and open minded we automatically assume the worst, I bet you can Not name 1 movie where Alien's and Unidentified Flying Objects were Excepted to be peaceful. Us Humans always try to be the smartest, strongest and powerful creatures on Earth, Why not Attempt a Positive, Not military Response.
